California CPA March/April 2024 | Page 4



“ Serving in any sort of a volunteer capacity and giving back to your profession gives you a sense of belonging .” march / april


20 17

14 Q & A with the CBA
We recently spoke with CalCPA member and CBA President Joseph Rosenbaum , CPA about his experiences , what CPA professionals can expect to see from the CBA this year and the importance of giving back to the profession .
10 A New Era
The accounting profession has experienced a profound transformation that goes well beyond AI and the allure of private equity to one characterized by connections and what makes up a fulfilling , meaningful life . AMBER SETTER , PCC , CPA ( INACTIVE )
12 Gifting and Letting Go
Making gifts to loved ones is arguably one of the most fraught wealth management decisions . But providing wealth to loved ones should be a gift , not simply a transfer of assets . JUSTIN MILLER , J . D ., CFP
17 The Tax Affecting Debate
When the U . S . Tax Court published its most recent ruling addressing tax affecting S corporations , many business valuation publications and taxpayer advocates applauded the result . But was tax affecting S corporations even an issue in the case ? JARED TONKS , CPA , ABV , CFF
20 Reality vs . Perception
Here are some ideas to engage your teams and create an environment where young — and future — accountants want to work . ERIN DAIBER , CPA & CHRIS VANOVER

news & resources

3 It ’ s Material 9 FedTax : ERC Voluntary Disclosure 22 Trust Distributions and Elections 24 Capitol Beat magazine . calcpa . org Volume 92 , No . 8 , March / April 2024
California Society of Certified Public Accountants
Associate Director , Communications Aldo Maragoni aldo . maragoni @ calcpa . org
Art Direction & Design Lynn LaRocca-Low lynnlarocca @ gmail . com
Office 500 Capitol Mall , Suite 2350 Sacramento , CA 95814 ( 800 ) 922-5272
www . calcpa . org
California CPA ( ISSN 1530-4035 ) is published monthly except for February and April by the California Society of Certified Public Accountants , 500 Capital Mall , Suite 2350 ; Sacramento , CA 95814 . Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento , CA . Members receive California CPA regularly . Nonmember subscription rate : $ 75 per year , or $ 8.50 per issue ; foreign rate : $ 110 per year . Remit U . S . funds only .
© 2024 California Society of Certified Public Accountants .
All correspondence pertaining to advertising or nonmember subscriptions should be addressed to the Advertising Department ; POSTMASTER : Send address changes to : California CPA ; Customer Services ; California Society of CPAs ; 1800 Gateway Drive , San Mateo , CA 94404 . Publication of an advertisement in California CPA does not constitute endorsement of the product or service by California CPA or the California Society of Certified Public Accountants . Items published in California CPA , unless otherwise specified , represent the views of the authors and individuals quoted .
2 CALIFORNIA CPA MARCH / APRIL 2024 www . calcpa . org