“ Don ’ t put off this important step , any estate plan can be revised .” march / april
8 CPAs & Estate Planning
Planning for the future is not only important for your clients , but also for yourself . To help you prepare , here ’ s a rundown of things you may not have considered to that end .
3 Diversifying the Profession
CalCPA ’ s CEO discusses new partnerships and initiatives designed to improve Black and African American student and faculty ’ s connection to the accounting profession . DENISE LeDUC FROEMMING , CPA
13 Tax Software & Trust Distributions
Making trustee distributions to beneficiaries is not always a simple process , and sometimes your tax software can have blind spots . WILLIAM DOWNS , CPA & JOHN WOODFORD , CPA
15 New Standards on Tax Services
A review of the AICPA ’ s revised and new Statements on Standards on Tax Services , and of the comments CalCPA made on how to improve or change the proposals before they take effect on Jan . 1 , 2024 . KIP DELLINGER , CPA
17 Tech Talk : Adapt & Thrive
As the profession changes , CPAs are being called upon to service clients using technologybased tools . Our columnists discusses some credentials you can pursue . HARSH JADHAV , CPA
news & resources
12 |
DE & I : Staying Focused During a Recession |
18 |
CalCPA ’ s Legislative Summit |
19 |
SECURE 2.0 Affects RMDs & More |
20 |
Planning Your Retirement |
californiacpa . calcpa . org Volume 91 , No . 8 , March / April 2023
California Society of Certified Public Accountants
Vice President , Marketing & Communications Matthew Koontz matthew . koontz @ calcpa . org
Associate Director , Communications Aldo Maragoni aldo . maragoni @ calcpa . org
Managing Editor Damien B . M . English damien . english @ calcpa . org
Marketing Designer Elizabeth Everson elizabeth . everson @ calcpa . org
Art Direction & Design Lynn LaRocca-Low lynnlarocca @ gmail . com
Offices 1710 Gilbreth Road ; Burlingame , CA 94010 , ( 800 ) 922-5272 330 N . Brand , Suite 1170 , Glendale CA 91203 , ( 800 ) 922-5272 1201 K St ., Suite 1000 , Sacramento , CA 95814 Fax : ( 650 ) 522-3009 • www . calcpa . org
California CPA ( ISSN 1530-4035 ) is published monthly except for February and April by the California Society of Certified Public Accountants , 1710 Gilbreth Road , Burlingame , CA 94010 . Periodicals Postage Paid at Burlingame , CA and at additional mailing offices . Members receive California CPA regularly . Nonmember subscription rate : $ 75 per year , or $ 8.50 per issue ; foreign rate : $ 110 per year . Remit U . S . funds only . © 2023 California Society of Certified Public Accountants .
All correspondence pertaining to advertising or nonmember subscriptions should be addressed to the Advertising Department ; POSTMASTER : Send address changes to : California CPA ; Customer Services ; California Society of CPAs ; 1710 Gilbreth Road , Burlingame , CA 94010 .
Publication of an advertisement in California CPA does not constitute endorsement of the product or service by California CPA or the California Society of Certified Public Accountants . Items published in California CPA , unless otherwise specified , represent the views of the authors and individuals quoted .
2 CALIFORNIA CPA MARCH / APRIL 2023 www . calcpa . org