California CPA July 2024 | Page 5

Once Upon a Time …

It ’ s


Denise LeDuc Froemming , CPA , CAE , MBA President & CEO | CalCPA

Once Upon a Time …

There ’ s something about a good story that captures our attention , our imagination and our emotions .
Dr . Jennifer Aaker , author , speaker and professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business , states , “ Stories provide a sense of purpose ; they capture , create and communicate meaning . Stories make us human .”
Sure , your skills , knowledge and expertise are important in what you do — and to some extent speak to who you are . But even greater to your story are the twists and turns , the ups and downs , and the impact others have had in your life . Those are the things that makes you , well , you .
Stories help us understand each other . So the logical question is : What story are you telling about yourself and your firm or business as you interact with clients / customers and look for new hires ? What stories are you telling day to day , both inside and outside the office ? Do the stories offer a glimpse into who you are or the culture of your firm or organization , or are they full of tasks and deadlines ?
There ’ s a long-standing debate over what ’ s more important : Hiring for culture or hiring for skills . The answer is “ it depends ,” you may say , and that could be true to an extent . Here ’ s what author and speaker Simon Sinek has to say : “ If you hire people just because they can do a job , they ’ ll work for your money . But if you hire people who believe what you believe , they ’ ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears .”
And how do you know what they believe and how do they know what you believe ? Stories . This profession — and all business you can argue — is a people and relationship business .
CalCPA and the profession are working on this storytelling aspect as it relates to developing accounting ’ s talent pipeline . You ’ ve of course noticed our new brand and refreshed website showcasing our dedication to supporting a dynamic and evolving profession .
At the professional level , the National Pipeline Advisory Group was created about a year ago to develop a research-driven national pipeline strategy focused on attracting more people to the profession . In May , the group released a report and one of the key themes it recommended was to “ tell a more compelling story .”
Tell a more compelling story about careers in accounting ; about the value of a CPA license ; and about how the profession impacts people , businesses and communities .
Our profession can open doors to various career paths and opportunities — yet mention accounting and people jump to long hours , no balance and “ busy season .” So , what actions can we take to change this ? Pull from your experiences and share what defined and shaped you so far in your life . These are your go-to stories that can inspire . Too , stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone . As you develop your stories , I would love to hear from you ! Please share them with me at Denise . Froemming @ calcpa . org . www . calcpa . org JULY 2024 CALIFORNIA CPA 3