California CPA July 2023 | Page 4


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“ As a profession , let ’ s be known for our knowledge , skills , technology prowess and for amazing soft skills .” july

8 Technology with a Human Touch
We all know that digital tools like new software , advance protocols and AI have forced firms into new challenges and new operating modes . And while these resources are here to stay , they need to be balanced by soft skills that help make all applications of the digital more successful .
3 CPAs and the Digital Economy
From blockchain to cryptocurrency to digital wallets , there is no disputing that the digital economy is here to stay — and that there is an impact on the CPA profession . DENISE LeDUC FROEMMING , CPA
12 Corporate Transparency Act
The Corporate Transparency Act mandates millions of entities report their beneficial ownership information . Here ’ s an overview of the provisions and what the new rules means . JAMES C . COUNTS II , CPA , & ANDREW MATTSON , CPA

news & resources

CPAs and SECURE 2.0
Capitol Beat
15 AI is Here . What ’ s Next ?
Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the world as we know it . From chatbots and virtual assistants to self-driving cars and intelligent robots , AI has significantly impacted various industries and is poised to revolutionize many more soon . TOMMY STEPHENS , CPA
19 COT / IRS Liaison Meeting
From tax controversies to digital assets to criminal investigations , learn about some key updates discussed at a recent CalCPA Committee on Taxation meeting with the IRS . CELIA LAU , CPA
californiacpa . calcpa . org Volume 92 , No . 1 , July 2023
California Society of Certified Public Accountants
Associate Director , Communications Aldo Maragoni aldo . maragoni @ calcpa . org
Art Direction & Design Lynn LaRocca-Low lynnlarocca @ gmail . com
Offices 1710 Gilbreth Road ; Burlingame , CA 94010 , ( 800 ) 922-5272
330 N . Brand , Suite 1170 , Glendale CA 91203 , ( 800 ) 922-5272
1201 K St ., Suite 1000 ,
Sacramento , CA 95814 Fax : ( 650 ) 522-3009
www . calcpa . org
California CPA ( ISSN 1530-4035 ) is published monthly except for February and April by the California Society of Certified Public Accountants , 1710 Gilbreth Road , Burlingame , CA 94010 . Periodicals Postage Paid at Burlingame , CA and at additional mailing offices . Members receive California CPA regularly . Nonmember subscription rate : $ 75 per year , or $ 8.50 per issue ; foreign rate : $ 110 per year . Remit U . S . funds only .
© 2023 California Society of Certified Public Accountants .
All correspondence pertaining to advertising or nonmember subscriptions should be addressed to the Advertising Department ; POSTMASTER : Send address changes to : California CPA ; Customer Services ; California Society of CPAs ; 1710 Gilbreth Road , Burlingame , CA 94010 . Publication of an advertisement in California CPA does not constitute endorsement of the product or service by California CPA or the California Society of Certified Public Accountants . Items published in California CPA , unless otherwise specified , represent the views of the authors and individuals quoted .
2 CALIFORNIA CPA JULY 2023 www . calcpa . org