California CPA January/February 2025 | Page 12


Master the Mic

public speaking strikes fear into the hearts of many . The mere thought of standing before a crowd can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned professionals . Yet , it is a skill crucial for success in many aspects of life — particularly in business and professional development . Here are some key insights to aid and enhanced your public speaking abilities .

Tips to Ace Your Next Public Speaking Engagement
7 . Maintain Composure During your presentation , prioritize maintaining composure and poise , even in the face of unforeseen challenges . Embrace pauses to collect your thoughts and emphasize key points . Remember to breathe deeply to alleviate nervousness and maintain a steady pace . Embrace any unexpected hiccups with grace , demonstrating adaptability and professionalism .
1 . Cultivate the Right Mindset Public speaking improves with practice . Recognize that even seasoned speakers admit to experiencing nervousness before taking the stage . Embrace this as a natural part of the process . Listen to established speakers and adopt positive self-talk to prime your mind and body for the task at hand . Remember , the audience consists of fellow humans who empathize with the vulnerability of public speaking .
2 . Dress for Success The attire we choose significantly impacts our confidence levels . Opt for attire that ’ s appropriate for the event as well as comfortable and empowering . Dressing well can elevate your selfassurance , allowing you to exude confidence during your presentation .
3 . Understand Your Audience Before stepping onto the stage , learn about your audience ’ s demographics , interests and industry background . Tailor your speech to resonate with their expectations and concerns . If possible , familiarize yourself with the questions likely to arise during any discussion . Anticipating and addressing these queries demonstrates preparedness and enhances audience engagement .
4 . Rehearse Practice , both solo and with a trusted confidant , is instrumental in refining your delivery . Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror to gauge your body language and facial expressions . Solicit feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement . Additionally , consider recording yourself to assess tone , pacing and articulation . Each rehearsal iteration enhances your fluency and confidence .
5 . Embrace Authenticity Authenticity fosters genuine connection with your audience . Strive to infuse your speech with personal anecdotes , insights and emotions . Share relatable experiences that humanize your message and captivate the audience ’ s attention . Vulnerability can foster empathy and resonate with your audience .
6 . Harness Visual Aids Visual aids , used judiciously , can amplify the impact of your message , reinforce concepts and enhance audience comprehension . If the occasion permits , incorporate slides , videos or infographics , and ensure the elements are clear , concise and relevant to your points .
8 . Engage the Audience Foster a rapport with your audience by encouraging questions , comments or anecdotes that enrich the dialogue and foster a sense of community . Incorporate storytelling techniques to captivate attention and convey complex ideas in an accessible manner .
9 . Reflect After Your Presentation Following your speech , reflect on it to glean insights for future improvements . Seek constructive feedback from peers , organizers and audience members . Identify strengths to celebrate and areas for growth . Embrace each speaking opportunity as a learning experience that contributes to your ongoing development as a communicator .
Public speaking is a multifaceted skill that can be honed through practice , preparation and self-reflection . By cultivating the right mindset , understanding your audience and embracing authenticity , you can deliver impactful presentations that resonate with listeners . Remember , each speaking engagement is an opportunity for growth that paves the way for continued success on the public speaking stage .
Sandra Balogun , CPA , CISA is a manager at Centri Business Consulting , LLC . You can reach her at auduplusandra @ gmail . com . Reprinted with permission from the Massachusetts Society of CPAs .
10 CALIFORNIA CPA JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2025 www . calcpa . org