California CPA December 2023 | Page 4



“ An investment in employer branding is an investment in the firm ’ s lasting ability to attact and retain the best talent .” december


20 19

10 Tax Season Toolkit
From pass-through entity tax to ERC guidance to SECURE 2.0 — and more — there ’ s a lot to keep track of to stay on top of this tax season . We ’ ve got you covered on the federal and state levels .
3 On Your Behalf
Did you know that thousands of pieces of legislation are introduced in the Legislature each year ? And while many of those pieces don ’ t directly touch the CPA profession , there are plenty that do — and that ’ s where our advocacy and public affairs team kicks in . DENISE LEDUC FROEMMING , CPA
19 Employer Branding
A strong employer brand goes a long way for firms today as they face the challenges of attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive job market . JISE AHN

news & resources

Federal Tax
Capitol Beat
20 What ’ s Your Niche ?
Creating niche services can help your firm become more effective and more profitable . Finding those opportunities and how you can help maximize them is critical — but may be easy to spot . MARK H . FOWLER , CPA ( INACTIVE )
22 Journey to CPA
In this Q & A , two first generation college students explain how they went from uncertainty about their futures to having a goal of becoming CPAs — and the role CalCPA plays in supporting their journey . CHARLES OSAKI , CPA magazine . calcpa . org Volume 92 , No . 6 , December 2023
California Society of Certified Public Accountants
Associate Director , Communications Aldo Maragoni aldo . maragoni @ calcpa . org
Art Direction & Design Lynn LaRocca-Low lynnlarocca @ gmail . com
Office 500 Capitol Mall , Suite 2350 Sacramento , CA 95814 ( 800 ) 922-5272
www . calcpa . org
California CPA ( ISSN 1530-4035 ) is published monthly except for February and April by the California Society of Certified Public Accountants , 1710 Gilbreth Road , Burlingame , CA 94010 . Periodicals Postage Paid at Burlingame , CA and at additional mailing offices . Members receive California CPA regularly . Nonmember subscription rate : $ 75 per year , or $ 8.50 per issue ; foreign rate : $ 110 per year . Remit U . S . funds only .
© 2023 California Society of Certified Public Accountants .
All correspondence pertaining to advertising or nonmember subscriptions should be addressed to the Advertising Department ; POSTMASTER : Send address changes to : California CPA ; Customer Services ; California Society of CPAs ; 1800 Gateway Drive , San Mateo , CA 94404 . Publication of an advertisement in California CPA does not constitute endorsement of the product or service by California CPA or the California Society of Certified Public Accountants . Items published in California CPA , unless otherwise specified , represent the views of the authors and individuals quoted .
2 CALIFORNIA CPA DECEMBER 2023 www . calcpa . org