California CPA December 2023 | Page 31

Titans of Tax Tour Federal & California Tax Updates
Feed your need to know more .

Dec .– Jan . 2024

Check out the hottest courses and conferences that CalCPA has to offer !
Accounting and Financial Statements
Date Title Prod . # Credits 12 / 19 Accounting Industry Update 119464 8
12 / 18 How to Review Financial Statements
118443 4
1 / 4 Leases : ASC Topic 842 in Depth 118658 8
1 / 10 Preparation , Compilations and Reviews — A Practical Workshop
118431 8
Date Title Prod . # Credits
12 / 21 Effective Workpaper Techniques : Building a Better Workpaper
12 / 16 Audit Standards Update : Clarifying Risk Assessment
119435 8
119359 8
Date Title Prod . # Credits
12 / 19 How Fraud Can Affect Smaller Organizations
12 / 28 Deception , Embezzlement and Fraud
1 / 4 Tone at the Top : Fraud and Leadership
119009 4
119316 8
119323 4
Date Title Prod . # Credits
1 / 8 Federal & California Tax Update for Individuals | Titans of Tax Tour
1 / 9 Federal & California Tax Update for Businesses and Estates
116279 8
116291 8
Computers and Technology
Date Title Prod . # Credits
12 / 18 ChatGPT for Tax : A Quick Guide to Successful Tax Research
12 / 29 Quick Confidence with Alteryx : A CPA ' s Path to Data Mastery
122598 1
123895 1
Management , Marketing and Practice Development
Date Title Prod . # Credits 12 / 26 Maximizing Capacity in Your Firm 123112 1
1 / 9 Business Writing Series : Highlights of Grammar and Punctuation
116735 2
Date Title Prod . # Credits
12 / 20 Accountancy Laws , Ethics , Taxes and Financial Reporting Review : Ethics
/ 20 Accountancy Laws , Ethics , Taxes and Financial Reporting : Regulatory Review
118835 4
118849 2
For a complete list of upcoming courses and conferences , visit
calcpa . org / brainfood
Dates subject to change

Titans of Tax Tour Federal & California Tax Updates

calcpa . org / tax23

Tax Issues in Divorce

Jan . 18 , 2024 calcpa . org / divorce