California CPA August 2023 | Page 10

Report : 10 Shifts Transforming Organizations
Business leaders worldwide are addressing economic volatility , geopolitical instability and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic , as well as a range of organizational shifts that have significant implications for structures , processes and people , according to a recent report from McKinsey .
The report , “ The State of Organizations 2023 ,” found that only half of the respondents said their organizations are well prepared to anticipate and react to external shocks , and twothirds see their organizations as overly complex and inefficient . The list of shifts transforming organizations includes :
• Increasing speed , strengthening resilience ;
• The new balance of in-person and remote work ;
• Making way for applied AI ;
• New rules of attraction , retention and attrition ;
• Closing the capability chasm ;
• Walking the talent tightrope ;
• Leadership that is self-aware and inspiring ;
• Making meaningful progress on diversity , equity and inclusion ;
• Mental health : Investing in a portfolio of interventions ;
• Efficiency reloaded ; and

• Interviews . Download the report at mckinsey . com / capabilities / people-and-organizational-performance / our-insights / thestate-of-organizations-2023 #/. mm

The AICPA named Rosey Nguyen Flaherty , CPA , MSA , among its five winners of the 2023 Outstanding Young CPA Award … The AICPA named Annette Nellen winner of its Sid Kess Award for Excellence in Continuing Education
San Francisco based international tax firm Spott , Lucey & Wall has named Tyler Dixon and Jordan Reichelt as partners .
MarketWatch ’ s The Moneyist column quoted Rob Seltzer in a June 2 article on whether to sell mutual fund shares to boost savings for retirement … Accounting Today quoted Mary Kay Foss and Brian Stoner in a June 9 article on the most recent tax season … the LA Times quoted Tyler Ashmore , Dan Herron and David Flamer in a June 10 article on erroneously sent balance due notices by the IRS to California taxpayers … Accounting Today quoted Mary Kay Foss and Brian Stoner in June 14 article on AI and tax prep pros and cons … ABC 7 interviewed Larry Pon June 20 about storm tax extensions for California residents and IRS payment due notices .